Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Antique Tiles – why not?


As I shall be taking the girls to Cannington tomorrow (remember I showed you the photos a week or so ago?) I thought you might like to see my antique tiles. The first two are quite crumbley (no cracks please.) and I bought them in Portugal. The next two I bought in Spain but in fact they look more Portugese to me. An old friend, Elizabeth Grey, used to travel with her husband – a travel writer, and they had lots of Portugese pictures around the house similar to these.

The last one – and my favourite – I bought in that fantastic Spanish town Ronda, one of the loveliest and most historic of Spanish towns. It has dramatic escarpments and views and the deep El Tajo Gorge and is the birthplace of modern bull fighting. I hope you like them - now I just have to remember to publish them in upside down order.
I found them very difficult to photograph and in the end did it in the garden


Kim Ayres said...

I have a friend out in Portugal who I went to visit about 5 years ago. I fell in love with the place

Pat said...

Kim: my sister had a house there for years and Mum died there, but her ashes are scattered in the Lake District - thereby hangs a tale! don't ask!

Eryl Shields said...

My cousin (one of many) lives in Portugal. One day she just chucked in her job as a lawyer and bugered off to sell time share apartments. Now she lives with a tennis coach and sounds so much happier. I must go and visit.

Love your tiles, they're beautiful.

apprentice said...

Lovely tiles, I really like tiles, especially old ones on fireplaces etc. Here lots of our "wally closes" are done up in great tiles from the Victorian era.

Pat said...

Eryl: you'd love it and the Portugese people are lovely. My mother spent her last years there and made many friends.

Anna: I have met a lot of wallies in my time but am not sure what a 'wally close' is?

Pat said...

Eryl: you'd love it and the Portugese people are lovely. My mother spent her last years there and made many friends.

Anna: I have met a lot of wallies in my time but am not sure what a 'wally close' is?

SpanishGoth said...

I am guessing now but, I think hablo espanol y portuguesa

uno pce

you little minx

Pat said...

S Goth: oh if only...(I think.)

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Those are beautiful tiles, the best, hand-made!! Another dying art, I guess.